Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Birchbox Review

Yesterday I received my first Birchbox (and it also happened to be my very first subscription box!). I was so excited to open it. I mean, how cool is it to get a little surprise gift in the mail every month? I don't know about you guys but I love receiving any kind of mail (except bills).

First look:

I was really happy when I pulled this box out of the shipping box. This could easily be reused for other gifts or just a little storage box for anything small. I will be using mine for the little cards I get at Oliver's doctors appointments that have his weight, length, etc. 

They included a nice little product card that I skipped over at first because I was so anxious to see all my goodies. I love how they say a little bit about each product and then tell you the price of the full size version.

Getting to the goodies:

Macadamia Natural Oil- Healing Oil Treatment ($13.50): I don't love oil treatments. My hair is very fine and thin and is already shiny and soft so using an oil treatment just makes my hair greasy. Even though I didn't benefit from this, my brother did. He has long hair and has recently been complaining that its frizzy and unhealthy. So, today we decided to try this out. Instead of using it while styling his hair, we added a little bit to the hair masque (reviewed down below). He is going to use the rest of the bottle on his ends while styling it. I'm sure he will love it.

MAKE- Dual- Phase Eye Makeup Remover ($4.50*): I am terrible at taking off my makeup at night but maybe having this will change that. I've been using a MAC mascara that makes my lashes look awesome BUT it gets everywhere and usually takes an entire makeup wipe just to get all of the black off of my face. I used this eye makeup remover and was impressed with how easy it was to get the mascara off. It also didn't leave my skin feeling greasy like a lot of other makeup removers. Also, it came in this cute little plastic bag that I'll be saving to use for something else.
SAGE + fasten- Common Sense Eau de Parfum ($8.75*): I'm pretty picky when it comes to perfume so I wasn't ecstatic when I saw this. I was pleasantly surprised when I rolled it on and actually liked it! It smells fruity with a very slight hint of floral. I love fruity scents, so this was right up my alley. This sample is larger than your typical sample of perfume which is a plus!
Macadamia Natural Oil- Deep Repair Masque ($2.00*): This masque is awesome. It's a single use package, I added some of the oil treatment to give it a little boost. His hair feels so much better. I doubt I could convince him to buy this product because it's so pricey but it worked really well.

Madewell for Birchbox- Emery Board ($5.00): I love the feeling of a new nail file. This came at the perfect time for me because my other nail files were getting worn out. Plus I was planning on doing my nails today, this just gave me the extra push to get it done. It's super cute too!

The one disappointment is that birchbox forgot to include my MAKE lipstick. I would have never known except for the fact that the lipstick was on my product card. It was one of those tiny lipstick samples that probably wasn't worth much but I would have loved to try it out. I sent a friendly email last night telling them that it was missing from my box so we'll see what happens with that**. It's not really worth them sending me the lipstick but I just wanted to let them know. This little mistake didn't make me like this box any less. I am overall very happy with the products I received. I'm already looking forward to next months box!

Total value of this months birchbox: $35.75 which is way beyond the $10 I paid for it. Definitely a deal! That was not including the lipstick they forgot to send me and the Benefit coupons they included in the box.

(*): If I couldn't find the exact price of the sample, I came up with a price based on dividing the sizes with the price of the full size product.
(**): Birchbox got back to me about a day and a half later (they send an immediate response when you contact them saying that they will be getting in touch and they gave me an estimated time of 3 business days). They apologized for the inconvenience and are shipping me the lipstick. I know it's just a tiny little lipstick sample but this makes me love this company even more. They could have easily just apologized and not sent me the product. Great customer service! 

Do you subscribe to birchbox? What did you get in your box this month? If you don't already have a subscription, check it out! It's only $10 a month to pamper yourself a little and find new products!

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