Friday, March 29, 2013

flashback friday

 I'm starting a new tradition, flashback Friday!


1st edition: Tabitha. Have you ever had a friend that you could laugh with, cry with, fight with, party with, bum it with, work out with, pig out with, and most importantly be 100% yourself with? Tabitha is that friend for me. As we get older I feel like it's hard to have friends that fit in every part of our lives. It's easy to have a friend that you always call to vent to or that other friend that you know you can go out with and have a good time with, but someone that you can do all of the above with, is rare. I'm thankful to have this girl in my life. I cannot wait to see her today (she is in town visiting from California)!!

Tabitha was the first person I met in homeroom on my first day of school in Georgia. By senior year we were best friends. In this photo we were in out nutrition and wellness class.. obviously not doing any work. I actually don't recall ever doing work in that class.

July 22, 2008
This was before we went to a My American Heart show for my 19th birthday. I'm pretty sure we thought we were hot shit.

November 2012
One of the many weird things we do together. She is my number 1 ugly face friend. We have no shame.

June 2011
These wigs belonged to the children Tabitha nannys.. I'm pretty sure we enjoyed them more than they did.

February 2012
This is one of the things I miss most about living in California. Our hikes were always the best. and those dogs are the most beautiful babies ever. I miss them a lot. 

November 23, 2012
This was when Oliver was just a few weeks old. Tabitha is going to freak out once she sees how much Oliver has grown. I'm so happy and thankful that Oliver has such a wonderful Godmother :)

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