Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Whiny Wednesday

Welcome to rant day. 

  • I HATE that Oliver is teething. Yeah, it really sucks listening to him cry, but more than that I just feel so bad for him. I know that it hurts to have a toothache. I can't even imagine how it feels to have several teeth trying to pop out. I am battling feeling frustrated and feeling sad for him. I cannot wait for the day that he gets his first tooth just so there will be some sort of reward for all of this pain. Poor baby.
  • I think this e-card is really funny. But it brings up a good point. When I was breastfeeding I wasn't comfortable whipping out my boob in a crowd of people but I don't really care if other people do. If you're comfortable enough doing that then who am I to tell you to cover up? I also understand why other people don't want to see people breast feeding in public. The thing I don't understand is when people are grossed out about breastfeeding in general. Like when people pin it as something sexual or something. I had never heard of people being weird about it until people started asking me if I was breastfeeding. I just don't think I will ever understand that. Breastfeeding is natural, beneficial (for both you and the baby), and it's free!  
  • The weather is getting so nice here (some days) and I'm ready to bust out some dresses and shorts but my legs are soooo white. I must get some self tanner pronto so I can go in public without feeling like a ghost. But not only am I super pale, I also have some nasty bruises from falling at work over a week ago. I'm such a mess haha. 
  •  My (ancient) washing machine finally broke last week. Not being able to do laundry every day drives me NUTS. It was a good thing that I had to stay up in Atlanta for the weekend because if I had to be at home watching the laundry pile up until our new washer and dryer arrived yesterday, I would have thrown a fit. Do other people do laundry every day or is that just me?

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on the washer situation. We had one in a rental break and I came up with this grand idea that I would put mine in the rental and get myself the gorgeous blue one I drool over every time I go to we did that....only my new one took SIX weeks to about frustration. Doing laundry at my best friends house wouldn't have been so bad but with a baby....forget it. It sucked.
