Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

I'm linking up with Jennifer for Thursday Thoughts, once again!

I mean, how cute would Oliver look doing this?!
  • Oliver's first birthday is more than 6 months from now but I've already started thinking about themes. I want to be prepared and not try to put everything together last minute. I've been thinking about a few cool themes but ever since I got Oliver his circus tent I've really liked the idea of a circus themed birthday party.I'm almost 100% sure that's what I'll end up doing. I want to make a lot of the stuff so it's a good thing I'm thinking ahead.
  • I've been thinking about selling Pampered Chef or Tupperware. I love both companies and I have a kitchen full of both but I can't decide. Thoughts?
  • So, this is gross but, I have been seeing these crazy bugs flying around my house the past couple of days. They are sort of like June bugs but not. Well, it's disgusting and they're driving me nuts. I know I live out in the sticks so there will be bugs and animals (the things I hate most about camping.). I just don't understand how they are getting in and why they are such psychos. They fly around being all noisy, they fly into the walls and ceilings, and then they fall to the ground and die a really slow death. It's really strange. 
  •  Has anyone been watching Awkward.? I feel like this show has gone downhill since the first season (now on third) but I cannot stop watching it. Once I'm invested in a show I just can't stop watching even if it goes to shit. I've felt that way about PLL at times but it always sucks me back in.


  1. I haven't been to a PC party in ages, but I do remember having some yummy food at some! You can do food at Tupperware demo parties too though.

    And I love the picture of the kid on the circus drum. How do they get them to stay up there though? My kids would have fallen off!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  2. I haven't been to either in quite some time but I love them both so much! I do Mary Kay and I haven't even held a party before. I'm terrible so I'm super skeptical about getting involved into something else.

    I have no idea how they got him to stay. Oliver is such a wiggle worm, I'm going to have to glue him down or something ha
