Monday, March 11, 2013

Upcoming Excitements

I have so many things to look forward to this week.
  • The Bachelor finale tonight!
  • My brother will (hopefully) be coming in town from Colorado this week! 
  • Oliver's Aunt Emily is coming in town tomorrow :)
  • Work (I know this doesn't sound like fun but I actually really enjoy my job. Usually)
  • Oliver's 4 month check up. I cannot wait to see how much he's grown! (not looking forward to the shots)
  • Dinner with the Greenfields
  • My first  bluum subscription box should be arriving!!
  • My first ever subscription box review
  • Getting Oliver on a better schedule and continuing with the sweet potatoes!
  • Juicing at least once a day!

What do you guys have to look forward to this week?!Also, What subscription box should I try out next?

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