Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Social

Sunday Social
I am linking up with Ashley and Neely today after finding them through Jennifer one of my favorite blogs!

1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch?
I'm really not afraid of scary movies.. unless I'm alone. I also really don't like to see previews late at night for scary movies. That's just asking for messed up dreams.
2.What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven’t yet?
I would really like to watch Breaking Bad. I watched season 1 way back when and I just haven't gotten around to catching up.
3.What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
Hot air balloon ride. Maybe this doesn't sound "daring" to everyone but I am pretty afraid of heights and flying so this will be one crazy bucket list activity for me to complete. 
4. Would you ever travel alone?
Definitely. I used to do it all the time. I'd just like to continue to travel. Alone or not.
5. What activities do you like to do alone?
Drive, sleep, shop, watch movies. I've always been okay with doing things alone but it just depends on my mood.


  1. I've heard such great things about Breaking Bad!

  2. Dropping by via the Sunday Social linkup!

    Haha, you're like the 3rd person to answer Breaking Bad for the TV question. :) And I don't think you could pay me enough to get into a hot air balloon. I'm deathly afraid of heights.

  3. I also said Hot Air balloon for my daring activity. I hate heights with a passion. I also love alone time...

  4. Mine is Breaking Bad too...I keep trying and just never watch it. Hey can you do me a big favor pleease and reply with the HTML code for the button for the link up?? I asked the host and I don't think they see my comment yet and my post is missing the button lol

  5. I'm with you on the balloon ride. However I'm not really afraid of heights but I feel that if I'm in a basket only it might be a bit more terrifying!

    Stopping by from the social :)

  6. Breaking Bad is on everyone's list..Guess I should add it too.

    Stopping by from Sunday Social.

  7. It sounds like we all need to start season 1 of Breaking Bad! Like a book club but for this amazing but also very messed up TV show ha.

    I just feel like being in a hot air balloon sounds like the most dangerous but exhilarating activity. I probably won't be saying that once I do it. I'll just be screaming "get me off of this thing!!"

    Thank you to everyone that stopped by! This was my first time doing Sunday Social and I don't think it will be my last. I'll be visiting all of your blogs when I get home from work tonight :)

    Angela, I'm not at home so I can't get te HTML on my iPhone for some reason? Hopefully she will respond to you. I won't be home until late tonight :/ sorry girl.

  8. Stopping by from the link up. Hot air balloon sounds fun but I don't think i have the guts to do it! It's my first time linking up for Sunday Social too :)


    1. I would like to think that I'll cross the hot air balloon off my list but I don't know if I'll have the guts when it comes down to it. We'll see!

  9. I got to the second season of Breaking Bad but haven't watched it since. I want to I just haven't had the time either!

    1. I want to make the time but Every time I get Some free time I want to sleep or blog haha
