Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday Treasures

These are items that we are glad we don't have to live without. We LOVE them!

I know we don't NEED a wipe warmer, but I am so glad we have this. He hates cold wipes on his bottom so this makes changing time a MUCH more pleasant experience.

This channel is AMAZING. The day time shows are great but the night time shows are where it's at. At night it is mostly just music with shapes and colors on the screen. A lot of times it reminds me of a kaleidoscope. I like music playing when we go to bed and we now use the TV as our nightlight too. My mom loves this channel so much that she has it on to put herself to sleep every night even when Oliver isn't in there.

Pacifier clips are a must. Especially on his clear pacifiers. It helps so much to not have to dig around in his swing or whatever he is in to find his pacifier when he is crying. They're also great for when we are out and about and I'm carrying him. We don't have to worry about him spitting out his pacifier and cleaning it every two seconds.

 Oliver LOVES his jumparoo. I chose this one by Fisher Price because it matches the swing we have and it's just awesome. He jumps around and plays for a while then falls asleep. Such a hard life playing all day long ;)

There are so many great uses for Apple Cider Vinegar. My favorite is using one part vinegar and one part water in a little spray bottle to use as my conditioner in the shower. I've been doing this for a few months now and my hair is getting so much healthier. I never have tangles anymore either!

What are some of your favorite things around the house? for you or for your little one?

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