Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Whiny Wednesday

Like I said last week, if you don't want to hear me vent, you should skip Wednesdays. I need a day to let it all out :)

  • I'm really irritated that I'm still dealing with stretch marks from my pregnancy with Oliver. It's Only been about 5 months but I seriously lather on Mederma, different oils, coco butter.. you name it, I'm using it. They've only faded a little bit and they totally suck. 
  • I don't know how moms always have their nails done. I rarely find time to paint my nails anymore. I get so excited when I do finally paint my nails but within a few days they are all messed up and I don't find time to fix them for a few more days. In those few days that I don't find time to fix them, I look all scummy with chipped up nails.
  • I have so many bump and bruises it's ridiculous. Last Friday when I had my "girls night out" I got hit in the face by a door when some crazy girl came storming into the bathroom. I seriously thought I was going to have a nasty black eye but I lucked out and it just hurts a little. Then I hit my arm on a tall table and have a huge nasty bruise visible for everyone to see. The most painful of them all was when I slipped at work the other day and busted it super hard. I have bruises all up my left side from my leg to my shoulder. I need to get it together before I really hurt myself ha.
  • I really hate it when I don't finish everything off of my daily to-do list. I very rarely finish every single thing. I would be so happy if I could accomplish everything on my list for a week straight. I'm going to challenge myself to that starting today.

1 comment:

  1. I should actually try and made a to-do list. Maybe I would get more things done!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
