Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday iPhone Dump

Linking up with Jennifer for iPhone Dump Friday!

ONE. Oliver's first time hanging out in his new circus tent. He loves it!
TWO. I love this little outfit that my friend, Jessica, bought for him. He looks like such a little man.

 THREE: Playing in his tent again. He seriously looks like such a big kid to me. He is definitely losing the newborn look.
FOUR: Okay, so, I know Easter was weeks ago but I just never got around to taking any pictures with the Easter bunny or in this little "My 1st Easter" onesie. So, the other day I decided to do a Easter photoshoot and this is seriously the best one I got. He was a wiggle worm so we didn't get very far.

FIVE: New nail polish from my Ipsy bag. This color is called "Of Corset I'll Call You" I love ready nail polish names, and lipsticks too.
SIX: My drives to work are so beautiful and therapeutic. Except for the big crack down my windshield.


  1. That color looks great on you!

    And everytime I see that circus tent, anywhere, I want it!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

    1. Thank you! I actually hate pale pinks on me so that makes me feel better! You have to get it! I got it at Ikea for $20.

  2. Replies
    1. You have to get it. I think this tent is appropriate for all ages. I got it at Ikea for $20, it's seriously the best.
